What To Do If Your Cat Swallows a String

Most kittens and adult cats love to play with string, yarn, and the like. But this brings with it the risk that your cat will eat the string, which can lead to serious complications. Cats are curious by nature and love to investigate new sights, smells, and tastes, but this curiosity can lead them into trouble. As a cat caregiver, you need to be aware of the dangers of string ingestion and the signs that a string is stuck in your cat's gastrointestinal tract. If this happens, it's time to call your veterinarian.
Why Do Cats Swallow String?
String and string-like items intrigue cats because they resemble prey. Cats are natural hunters and they enjoy the way string twists and curls in their grasp. Cat play mimics the hunt-prey cycle for cats. Since cats often eat their prey at the end of the hunt, they may chew and ingest hazardous items, such as string.
Cats are amazing, intelligent creatures. Their lifestyle reflects the predatory skills and behaviors needed to hunt food in the wild. A cat’s day includes the need to rest, stalk, chase, pounce, kill, play, eat, and groom, among other things. And if there are strings or similar materials around your home, your cat will likely find them. Cats can be attracted to a variety of string including:
- Yarn
- Dental floss
- Fishing line
- Easter grass
- Holiday tinsel
- Ribbon
- Rubber bands
- Shoelaces
- Cords attached to toys
- And any other similar thread-like item
It is best to keep strings and string-like items away from your cat and if playing with a toy with string, it should be used with supervision to help prevent your cat from ingesting it.
What Happens When Cats Swallow String?
If your cat swallows a string, there are various complications that can happen, most commonly a foreign body obstruction. The term "foreign body" refers to any non-food object located within the digestive tract. When a long, thin, string-type object is ingested, it's referred to as a linear foreign body. When the foreign body is partially or completely blocking the gastrointestinal tract, it's called an obstruction.
Although it would seem that linear foreign bodies should pass uneventfully, this is not always the case. The string can become wrapped around the base of the tongue or anchored in the stomach. This can be a choking hazard or it may cause the cat to swallow the string. If the string had a needle attached, the needle may pierce the internal tissues.
If one end of the linear foreign body becomes lodged at some point in the gastrointestinal tract, such as at the base of the tongue (an especially common location for linear foreign bodies in cats), in the stomach, or in the intestine, the free end of the foreign body will trail down the remainder of the gastrointestinal tract. The intestines will attempt to move this linear foreign body down the gastrointestinal tract for elimination, but since the linear body is unable to move, it will cause the intestines to bunch up and narrow. This is an emergency situation. It may lead to painful swelling in the cat's stomach, vomiting, and an inability to eat until the item is removed.
If the linear foreign body does not cause immediate blockage, it can still irritate or even puncture the gastrointestinal tract. This can cause bleeding and leakage of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity leading to sepsis, which is another emergency situation.
Signs Your Cat Swallowed a String
In many cases, caregivers are not aware their cat ingested a string but do notice certain signs of illness. Early intervention is crucial and can make a life-or-death difference for your cat, so it’s essential to contact your veterinarian as soon as you notice your cat is not acting themselves.
If you know your cat ate a string and there are no complications seen, your cat may pass the string in the feces within 10 to 24 hours. Unfortunately, it's often impossible to know how much your cat ingested and whether any remains in the digestive system.
Signs can appear suddenly or may be noticed more slowly over a few days after ingesting the string. Typically, symptoms begin within one to two days. However, it's possible that a cat ate something weeks prior and showed only minor signs. Monitor your cat closely and contact your veterinarian if you notice one or more of these signs in your cat:
- Anorexia or decreased appetite
- Vomiting or dry heaves
- Straining to defecate or diarrhea
- Painful abdomen
- Restlessness, unwilling to lie down or get comfortable
- Withdrawn or hiding more than usual
- Fever
- Depression or lethargy
- Dehydration (due to vomiting and/or diarrhea, or inability to keep down food/water)
What To Do If Your Cat Ate a String
If you observed your cat playing with a string and chewing on it, and then the string was gone, you should call your veterinarian for advice. Your vet may say it's okay to monitor your cat for any signs of illness, or they may say to bring your cat in for an exam and testing.
If you see a string under your cat's tongue (extending down the throat) or protruding from the anus, it's important to never pull the string. Instead, take your cat to the vet so it can be removed safely.
You should see your veterinarian immediately if any of the more serious symptoms have developed. Even if you think the cat has passed all of the string, there may still be some in the stomach or gut that's causing problems. Your vet will do abdominal X-rays and possibly an ultrasound to try and visualize the obstruction. Lab work may be necessary to determine if the foreign body has affected the cat's organ function, blood cell counts, and electrolyte balance.
If a cat has a linear foreign body that's causing problems, a veterinarian will likely need to perform an endoscopy or surgery to remove it (depending on its location). Though some strings can be expected to pass on their own, your vet will determine the best course of action for your cat.
Linear foreign bodies are commonly lodged in the stomach or intestines, which requires a surgical procedure called an exploratory laparotomy. This involves opening the abdomen and exploring the gastrointestinal tract to locate and remove the string. Cats typically need to stay in the hospital to recover for a day or two. They'll finish recovering at home for a couple of weeks and may need to wear an e-collar to keep them from licking the incision. Be sure to follow your vet's instructions regarding food, medications, and follow-up visits.
How To Prevent Your Cat From Eating String
Management and prevention are key to helping prevent your cat from ingesting string. Follow these tips to make sure your home is a safe place for your cat.
- Avoid tinsel and ribbon in the house around the holidays and if using it to wrap gifts, closely monitor your cat and put the gifts away from where they can be reached by your cat
- Keep yarn and other string-like materials up and away from your cats when not in use
- Have a waste basket with a closed lid in your bathroom to help prevent your cat from ingesting dental floss or other string-like products—it's more common than you think
- Supervise your cat when playing with wand toys and other toys with string
- Provide your cats with enrichment daily and meet their physical and mental needs to prevent boredom and stress-related chewing