Why Do Cats Bite You? Reasons Cats Bite and How to Stop It

Why do cats bite you? Cats may bite when they're playing, to demand attention, or because they feel stressed out or threatened. Kittens will bite, mouth, and paw at things to explore their world—these are all natural behaviors that can continue into adulthood.
Because some bites can be painful and cause injury, it's important to teach your cat not to bite you or other people. Here's why your cat bites you and how to stop it.
Why Does My Cat Bite Me?
Cats and kittens may bite for different reasons, and it's important to distinguish between them to help curb the biting. Kittens often bite when teething or out of curiosity or playfulness, while adult cats are more likely to bite for other reasons.
Lack of Bite Inhibition
Kittens learn manners and appropriate cat play through interaction with other kittens and their mother. But too often, kittens go to new homes before they've learned these important lessons and their owners need to teach them. Even adult cats who were not taught properly may not know that teeth and claws hurt unless you explain it in kitty language the way a mother would.
Cats may bite and scratch when playing with other cats, and they may carry this behavior over to playtime with their humans. Your cat may grab you with their mouth and bite, sometimes painfully. Some cats get caught up in the fun and don't realize they are play-biting too hard. Other times, the cat becomes overly excited and begins to act defensively.
Some cats will seem to enjoy petting up to a point, and then suddenly snap, bite, or scratch, seemingly out of nowhere. Petting aggression is confusing for people, but it often happens because the cat has become overstimulated. Cats may show subtle signs with their body language that they don't want more petting, but we can easily miss these small displays.
Self-Defense and Fear
Like most animals, cats may bite to defend themselves when they feel threatened or afraid. Some cats bite to stop unwanted actions or behaviors by humans or other animals, especially if this was effective in the past. For example, if they previously bit while having their nails trimmed and then the nail trimming stopped, they may have learned that is an effective tool.
Redirected Aggression
When cats display aggression towards humans, they may actually be upset about something else. Other animals in or outside your home may make cats feel defensive or territorial. If you're the one nearest to the cat, you may get bitten instead. Cats may be frustrated if they can't reach a bird or insect outside and redirect their feelings to you.
Attention Seeking
Some cats bite as a form of communication or demand for attention. Instead of meowing, they bite. If a cat nips you and then tries to lead you to an activity, such as the food bowl or to play with a toy, this could be the reason.
Believe it or not, some cats like to give "love bites" to people and don't realize it's a little too hard. When cats bite you affectionately, they'll often lick you as well—they're like kitty kisses.
Pain or Illness
Nearly any medical condition can cause pain or discomfort, and some cats will react by biting, especially if they're touched where it hurts. Before you assume your cat is biting for behavioral reasons, contact your veterinarian to rule out health problems.
What To Do When Your Cat Bites
If your cat bites you, the best reaction is to stop what you are doing and try to determine why. Watch their body language and assess the environment. If there's something you can change to help your cat relax, such as closing the blinds or removing other pets, do so. Avoid touching your cat again until they calm down.
If your cat bites while playing, make a noise and pull your hand away just as another cat or kitten would to stop the games. Use this as a distraction to stop the behavior, not as a punishment. However, if your cat bites and won't let go, push your hand and arm toward the bite to prompt your cat to release you. Pulling away from the bite can encourage your cat to bite even more.
If the biting continues, visit your veterinarian to discuss the behavior before trying to address it yourself. The vet may discover an underlying health condition to explain your cat's behavior.
How to Stop Your Cat From Biting You
While you may not be able to prevent your cat from ever biting again, training techniques can reduce the chances.
Train Your Cat Using Positive Reinforcement
With some training, cats can learn how to properly interact without biting you. Your cat can still nibble and play-smack you with a soft paw (claws withheld) and enjoy an appropriate game without drawing blood. It's important to start training as soon as you get your kitten or cat.
It may help to train replacement behaviors. For example, if your cat becomes overexcited and attacks your feet when you walk into a room, teach him to sit and reward him for it. Then, when you come into a room, he will want to sit to get a reward. You can clicker train your cat by pairing a reward like food with a click from a clicker.
Reward your cat for good behavior that occurs naturally. When your cat uses a soft mouth and paws while playing, offer praise or a delicious treat.
No one should allow a cat to play with their bare hands, fingers, or toes. All cats should be taught that hands are not toys. If you offer your hands as toys, you're encouraging a risky habit. Additionally, you should treat your clothing as an extension of your skin and make it off-limits, or your cat won't learn the difference between clawing your jeans and nailing your bare legs.
Avoid physical punishment, which only makes cats more likely to fight back and protect themselves or engage in rough play. Punishment may also cause your cat to fear you.
Be Consistent
Maintain consistent responses to your cat's behavior and make sure all family members and visitors follow the same rules. If the cat gets mixed messages, it will be harder for you to enact your training.
Redirect Your Cat
When your cat tries to bite you, offer an appropriate interactive cat toy as an alternative. Stuffed animals are a hit with many cats. There should be a variety of toys (at least three) available so your cat does not get bored. Toys that dispense treats are a great way to keep their environment enriched and encourage appropriate play behavior by rewarding play with appropriate objects.
When to Seek Professional Help
If your vet has determined your cat is physically healthy and you have worked on training without success, it's time to get some help. Ask your vet to recommend a credentialed animal behaviorist who can work with you to develop a behavior modification program. You can also search for a behaviorist through the IAABC's directory.
How to Treat a Cat Bite
Cat bites are dangerous to you and other pets. They can cause serious infections and should be treated immediately. If a cat bites you, see a doctor as soon as possible. Up to 75% of cat bites introduce harmful bacteria into the body, including Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Pasteurella species. Cat scratch fever, which comes from Bartonella henselae bacteria, may also be transmitted via cat bite.
Signs of infection may manifest in a couple of hours and are particularly risky for hands, joints, and tendons. Take immediate action if a cat bites you:
- Flush out the bacteria from the cat bite by pressing on the wound. This could cause more bleeding, but will also help to force the bacteria out of the body.
- Thoroughly wash the wound with soap and water. Use a clean cloth to wipe the wound.
- See a doctor, who will likely examine and rewash the wound. She may prescribe antibiotics, stitch the wound if necessary, and administer a tetanus booster vaccine if yours is out of date.
After the doctor's examination, follow her care plan and keep the wound area clean. Watch for any signs of infection, including redness, oozing, swelling, pain, or fever, and if you spot any, see the doctor again right away.